There is no restriction to the type of entry here.
Prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, photography, art, audio, video...
if it fits the Muse, it is welcome.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Winner: "Shafts of Grace in the Corner of a Room"

Who found the shafts? Who figured them out? Who knows why they were in the corner of a room?


Give it up for our newest Erymanthian Boar! Check out the winning entry:

Runner-Up: Julie:

Tom's next Muse will appear on December 16th. Come back on December 1st for Julie's!


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Voting Closed

Voting is now closed for "Shafts of Grace in the Corner of a Room." The votes will be made public shortly (check the Voting post) and the winner will be announced in 12 hours.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Voting: "Shafts of Grace in the Corner of a Room"

The shafts of grace have been found. Or have disappeared. Either way, posting is now closed and voting is now open.

Everyone vote for your Top 3.

There are 2.5 days to vote and the most graceful shafter will be announced on the 29th.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Reminder: "Shafts of Grace in the Corner of a Room"

Figure it out yet? Shafts of light? Mine shafts? Shafts of... well, have you found anything? Time is running out.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Shafts of Grace in the Corner of a Room"

Baino, in a strange reinterpretation of an album title, wants us to find something odd. Something hidden; hard to see. Something few of us will ever find...

*image taken from BBC News and is property of the Associated Press

Figure out what shafts of grace are. Then find them. It is your destiny.

Remember, don't sign up until you've posted the entry on your site and link that entry directly (not your blog home page). In the meantime, leave a comment and let us know you're game!

Post as soon as you're ready, and we'll post a reminder on the 22nd. Voting begins on the 26th!


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Winner: "Under the Kiss of the Blood-Soaked Tree"

The blood-letting is done. The kiss - how sweet, how surreal, how evil - is over. Who survived the lips of the tree?


Our newest Nemean Lion! Congrats! Go (re)read her winning entry:

Runner-Up: Baino (& JeffScape):

Julie's Muse will appear December 1st. Come back November 16th for Baino's!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Voting Closed

Voting is now closed for "Under the Kiss of the Blood-Soaked Tree." The votes have been made public (check the Voting post) and the winner will be announced in 12 hours.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Voting: "Under the Kiss of the Blood-Soaked Tree"

Watch your lips. It's time to vote.

Everyone needs to vote for their Top 3.

There are 2.5 days to vote. Don't wait too bloody long! Winner will be announced on the 14th!

Voting Procedure: There was some confusion during voting for the previous Muse (despite instructions posted everywhere), so here are some friendly reminders (also found at the F.A.Q.):
  • Multi-part entries are voted for as A SINGLE ENTRY in its entirety. Do NOT vote for "Entry, Part 3" or "Entry, Part 7." Vote for "Entry."
  • Vote for only as many entries as the instructions state above. In this case, THREE (3). Not one, not five, not "everybody." THREE (3).
Votes should look something like this:
1. Best
2. Close
3. Pretty Good

We can't and won't count improperly submitted votes. Also, while admins will attempt to allow you to fix improper votes, there's no guarantee they'll notice or get to it in time. The earlier you vote, the better chance mistakes will be discovered and rectified. Once the "Voting Closed" post goes up, voting is over, and even if admins are in the middle of working out a voting error with a participant, voting is over.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Reminder: "Under the Kiss of the Blood-Soaked Tree"

Are your fingers bloodied yet from typing so much? If not, get there, or get close. We want to see some effort here... In the form of crimson bodily fluids.

Fingers of Aidos - "Confession"
*She Writes did not vote! However, since there was a miscommunication with an admin, she will not collect a Finger of Aidos!
*Joanny did not vote! It seems she tried, but just... well... hard to explain. Sorry, Joanny, you're getting a Finger!

*Runners-Up - You might have noticed a Runner-Up last Muse. That's because we've decided that runners up for Muses will be announced and listed depending on the number of entries in a given Muse. There will not be a separate "Runners-Up" page, but you'll be able to check "Winner" posts to see who came oh, so close. One placement will be announced for every 10 entries received. Basically, this means:
  • 1-10 entries: Winner only.
  • 11-20 entries: Winner and 1st Runner-Up.
  • 21-30 entries: Winner and 1st and 2nd Runners-Up.
  • And so on...

We also retroactively listed runners-up for previous Muses, so check some of the more popular Muses of the past to find out who they are.


Update: Some of you might have noticed the link widget was closed for a brief time at around 4 AM (GMT) on November 10th. This was due to a rescheduling of the widget closing (necessitated by the DST switch). The widget should now be re-open. Please contact an admin if you have any trouble linking prior to the actual closing time.

Monday, November 1, 2010

"Under the Kiss of the Blood-Soaked Tree"

JeffScape notes that there are all sorts of things you can do with a tree. Climb it. Use it for shade. Cut it down and burn it. But sometimes, just sometimes, the tree will find something it can do with you.

*image from

We know you might be biting your lips at this one, but keep some Chapstick handy in case your Muse slinks by...

Remember, don't sign up until you've posted the entry on your site and link that entry directly (not your blog home page). In the meantime, leave a comment and let us know you're game!

Post as soon as you're ready, and we'll post a reminder on the 7th. Voting begins on the 11th!
