There is no restriction to the type of entry here.
Prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, photography, art, audio, video...
if it fits the Muse, it is welcome.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Winner: "The Time In Between"

And the winner for "The Time In Between" is:

Give me a drum roll!

... or not.

Brian Miller

Read (or reread) the winning entry here:

Check back on the 1st when it is revealed where Brian's imagination wants us to go!

(And we promise to post the reminders this time!)


Monday, October 26, 2009

Voting: "The Time In Between"

"The Time In Between" has 6 entries! Posting is now closed, and voting is now open.

JeffScape (#6) is the final entry.

Keeping it with comment-based voting for the moment. If you don't like it, don't vote!

Will the six authors please list (in a comment responding to this post) their Top 3 (in order of preference)? Remember... DO NOT VOTE FOR YOURSELF!!!

Also remember: no voting, no winning. And if you didn't participate, please don't vote (although comments are welcome).

Voting closes on the 28th.


Friday, October 16, 2009

"The Time In Between"

It's that time... the time Yoork reveals to us her topic/theme for this installment of The Tenth Daughter of Memory... the time:


Remember, don't sign up until you've posted the entry on your site, and link that entry directly (not your blog home page).

That stated, feel free to comment and let us know you're game!

Post as soon as you're ready. Voting begins on the 25th!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Winner: "Trapped"

As of this writing, all the votes are NOT in, but it's such a runaway vote that there's no way that Yoork can lose!

Yep... congratulations for taking the 10thDoM crown for "Trapped!"


Check out her winning entry here:

Runner-Up: Brian Miller, "Trapped"

Tune in on the 16th when Yoork's topic/theme is revealed to the rest of us losers!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Voting: "Trapped"

Trapped has 11 entries! Posting is now closed, and voting is now open.

Jelly (#11) is the final entry, and all you Johnny-come-latelys are just screwed!

Keeping it with comment-based voting for the moment. f you don't like it, don't vote!

Will the  eleven authors please list (in a comment responding to this post) their Top 3 ( in order of preference)? Remember... DO NOT VOTE FOR YOURSELF!!!

Also remember: no voting, no winning. And if you didn't participate, please don't vote (although comments are welcome).

Voting closes on the 13th.


Thursday, October 1, 2009


Another congratulations to Cinnamon for her landslide victory with "Distance."

She has revealed to us using the magic of the Internet her topic/theme of choice, and (drumroll please)...



Let's get out of here!

Yes, our humor is lame this late at night.

Remember, don't sign up until you've posted the entry on your site, and link that entry directly (not your blog home page).

That stated, feel free to comment and let us know you're game!

Post as soon as you're ready. Voting begins on the 10th!