There is no restriction to the type of entry here.
Prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, photography, art, audio, video...
if it fits the Muse, it is welcome.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Reminder: "Rehearsing With Gods"

Who do you worship? What do you deify? Take the plunge into the theatre of life whether ethereal or practical. Come carve your place among the graven image, rehearsal's almost over, time to break a leg.

Fingers of Aidos (FoA)

Dulce and Eclipse earned Fingers for "A Better Ending."

Current Finger Count
  • Angel May (1 - "The Map Says We're Fucked")
  • budhaaah (2 - "White Lies Belie a Darker Truth," "Mother Dearest")
  • Eclipse (2 - "White Lies Belie a Darker Truth," "A Better Ending")
  • Dulce (1 - "A Better Ending")
  • Joanny (1 - "Confession")
  • kaykuala (1 -“White Lies Belie a Darker Truth”)
  • Lou Lohman (1 - "Woman or Dragon: The Ride of Your Life")
  • Noiseless Patient Spider (1 - "Silence Lies Broken")

Don't want to see your name listed here? Don't forget to vote.



  1. Wow, Jeff. I was just thinking to myself, "Oh, it's okay, there were only twelve entries last time I chec-" o.O
