There is no restriction to the type of entry here.
Prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, photography, art, audio, video...
if it fits the Muse, it is welcome.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Winner: "Extreme Robot Vodka"

Without confessing to having actually having any experience in this kind of thing, yet convincing us of the OH&S/OSHA issues associated with a Sexbot, we have a winner:


It was a tie for first (with Patti), but Baino held the tie-breaker. Congrats! Check out the winning entry: 

Baino's Muse will appear on January 16th. Come back on New Year's Day for Julie's! Speaking of... Happy New Year to everyone and good luck with the next Muse.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Voting Closed

Voting is now closed for "Extreme Robot Vodka." The votes will be made public shortly (check the Voting post) and the winner will be announced in 12 hours.


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Voting: "Extreme Robot Vodka"

Sauced and soused? Time to slam the shot glasses on the table, count the empties and tally the winner.

Vote cyborgs and lushes. List your Top 3 in the comments. Remember to list separate entries as (A), (B) etc.

Just 2.5 days to vote and the winner will be announced on the 29th (Yes this admin is busy drinking Caiporoska and programming the oven this week.)

Voting Reminder: Multi-part entries are voted for as A SINGLE ENTRY in its entirety. Do NOT vote for "Entry, Part 3" or "Entry, Part 7." Vote for "Entry."


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Reminder: "Extreme Robot Vodka"

Hey, it's the festive season. Where's the alcohol? C'mon, wet your whistle and show us your Extreme Robot Vodka . . or just make something up.

Fingers of Aidos - "Shooting the Breeze"
*Bad Man, Brian Miller did not vote! We'll finger you gently given it's the season to be jolly.

Other Active Fingers: Joanny, Noiseless Patient Spider, Not for Jellyfish

10thDoM News:
  •  Our illustrious founder, JeffScape, is stepping down from his role as lead admin here as of January 1st. Not to worry, though, since he's leaving 10thDoM in the capable hands of Krys. He's staying on as an admin through the 2nd Annual River of Mnemosyne Challenge, but after that... who knows?

To you all, have a wonderful, happy, safe and creative Christmas. Or Chanukah/Hanukkah. Or Beer Day. Or Extra Sleep Day. Or Whatever.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

"Extreme Robot Vodka"

Tom's been hitting the turps, imbibing on the ridiculous and challenging our sobriety. Interpret this as you will, a couple of bevvies might make it easier:

*image taken from Matt Dixon

Time to tinker with your motherboards, activate your capacitors and get into a state of flux. Just watch the kerb on the way down.

Remember, don't sign up until you've posted the entry on your site and link that entry directly (not your blog home page). In the meantime, leave a comment and let us know you're game!

Post as soon as you're ready, and we'll post a reminder on the 22nd. Voting begins on the 26th!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Winner: "Shooting the Breeze"

The breeze has been shot. Who submitted the entry with the hottest air?


With only one vote left, and three other entries capable of tying, Julie had all the tie-breakers! Check out her winning entry:

Runner-Up: JeffScape, "Action"

Julie's Muse will appear on New Year's Day. Come back on December 16th for Tom's.

Also, Patti would like to everyone to check out a video she found: "Shooting the Breeze"


Monday, December 13, 2010

Voting Closed

Voting is now closed for "Shooting the Breeze." The votes will be made public shortly (check the Voting post) and the winner will be announced in 12 hours.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Voting: "Shooting the Breeze"

Posting for "Shooting the Breeze" is closed and voting has begun. Who's the best talker of them all?

List your Top 3 in the comments!

Remember, there are 2.5 days to vote and the winner will be announced on the 14th.

Voting Reminder: Multi-part entries are voted for as A SINGLE ENTRY in its entirety. Do NOT vote for "Entry, Part 3" or "Entry, Part 7." Vote for "Entry."


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Reminder: "Shooting the Breeze"

Still talking? Not writing? Quit shooting the breeze and shoot the breeze. Time's almost up.

Fingers of Aidos - "Shafts of Grace in the Corner of a Room"
*Noiseless Patient Spider did not vote. Well, he did, but it was a vote we couldn't accept. Attempts were made to contact, but he's one of those "hidden email" bloggers. NPS, you get a finger!
*Not for Jellyfish did not vote. Finger.

They join Joanny in having active fingers. Heh.

Multiple Entries and Multiple-Part Entries
We continue to have voting issues concerning participants who routinely post multiple entries, as well as multiple-part entries, so we're gonna try something new.
  • Beginning immediately, when submitting multiple entries, please label each separate entry using an alphabetic identifier. Use the identifier (A) if you know you're submitting (or think you might try to submit) more than one entry. Example:
    • Bobby
    • Bobby (B)
  • When submitting multiple-part entries, please label each part using a numeric identifier. Example:
    • Jackie (Part 1 of 2)
    • Jackie (Part 2 of 2)
  • For posterity's sake, here's an example of multiple entries and multiple-part entries:
    • Teddy (A)(Part 1 of 2)
    • Teddy (A)(Part 2 of 2)
    • Teddy (B)
    • Teddy (C)(Part 1 of 3)
    • Teddy (C)(Part 2 of 3)
    • Teddy (C)(Part 3 of 3)
So, in the third example above, voters would vote for A, B, or C. Do NOT vote for individual parts of a multiple-part entry.

*We want new blood! We realize some of you fear the competition and/or don't like to share, but everyone else should write a "come join us" post on their individual blogs, explaining what 10thDoM is and how it works. Because, you know, that would prove you're not a prima donna and a coward.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Shooting the Breeze"

Inhale, pull, hold, aim, exhale, squeeze. Or something like that. Whatever the order, Julie wants us all to be...

*image taken from

Shoot it! It's a breeze!

Remember, don't sign up until you've posted the entry on your site and link that entry directly (not your blog home page). In the meantime, leave a comment and let us know you're game!

Post as soon as you're ready, and we'll post a reminder on the 7th. Voting begins on the 11th!
