There is no restriction to the type of entry here.
Prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, photography, art, audio, video...
if it fits the Muse, it is welcome.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Winner: "Two Glass Houses and Twenty Stones"

With a mighty arsenal of words, one heck of an "arm" and an aim that was true, victory has been claimed by

Tom at Half-Moose with a Twist!

Congratulations to our newest Cretan Bull! No glass houses, in Voltaire's Crater or here at the Innermost, are safe from his fantastical futuristic stones. Read the entry that vanquished all contenders.

Be sure to check back on September 1 for JeffScape's muse. Tom's muse will be posted on September 16th.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Voting Closed

Voting is now closed for "Two Glass Houses and Twenty Stones." The votes will be made public shortly (check the Voting post) and the winner will be announced in 12 hours.


Friday, August 26, 2011

Voting: "Two Glass Houses and Twenty Stones"

Put down your stones and step away from the battlefield.  The time has come to smoke the peace pipe and make nice.

List your "Top 3" in the comments and remember to READ each entry!

There are 2.5 days to vote and the winner will be announced on the 29th.

Outstanding Fingers of Aidos (FoA)

Don't want to see your name listed here? Don't forget to vote.

  • Angel May (1 - "The Map Says We're Fucked")
  • budhaaah (2 - "White Lies Belie a Darker Truth," "Mother Dearest")
  • Eclipse (2 - "A Better Ending," "White Lies Belie a Darker Truth)
  • Dulce (1 - "A Better Ending")
  • Joanny (1 - "Confession")
  • kaykuala (1 -“White Lies Belie a Darker Truth”)
  • Noiseless Patient Spider (1 - "Silence Lies Broken")
  • Siobhan (1 - "Rehearsing With Gods")

Wondering why your name is here? Want to know how to get rid of the dreaded FoA? Have no idea what we are talking about? Read about the Finger of Aidos on the F.A.Q. page, here.

*If you need assistance with voting, please check the Voting Section of the F.A.Q. and our Sample Vote.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Reminder: "Two Glass Houses and Twenty Stones"

So how goes the battle? Hope you've saved enough stones to finish the job. But don't delay. A cease fire will be called before you can say "Gotcha!"


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"Two Glass Houses and Twenty Stones"

Two glass houses and twenty stones? What has Baino delivered upon us but an apparent war of words? Perhaps we should proceed with caution.  You know what they say about people in glass houses. On the other hand, they – and you know how they are, always ready with a proverb to fit the occasion -- also say “he who hesitates is lost.”

(image taken from Public Domain Pictures)

So what the heck. Go ahead, arm yourself and take your best shot.

Remember, don't sign up until you've posted the entry on your site and link that entry directly (not your blog home page). In the meantime, leave a comment and let us know you're game!

Post as soon as you're ready, and we'll post a reminder on the 22nd. Voting begins on the 26th!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Winner: "Rehearsing With Gods"

Curtain's up and it's too late to pray. Someone's broken a leg and climbed the mount. Who stole the show and spoke to the gods of our hearts?


Congratulations to our first... er... Hippolytan Girdle! His tale of hopeless romanticism struck a chord, mostly because there's only one F-word in it! Read what earned him a place among an Amazonian Queen's mid-section:

Runner-Up: Patti:

JeffScape's guaranteed to be insane Muse will appear September 1. Check in on August 16 for Baino's!


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Voting Closed

Voting is now closed for "Rehearsing With Gods." The votes will be made public shortly (check the Voting post) and the winner will be announced in 12 hours.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Voting: "Rehearsing With Gods"

Rehearsals are over. Opening night is upon us. Time to applause and offer up some critical acclaim. 

List your Top 4 in the comments and remember to READ each entry!

You have 2.5 days to vote. The winner will be announced on the 14th.

*If you need assistance with voting, please check the Voting Section of the F.A.Q. and our Sample Vote.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Reminder: "Rehearsing With Gods"

Who do you worship? What do you deify? Take the plunge into the theatre of life whether ethereal or practical. Come carve your place among the graven image, rehearsal's almost over, time to break a leg.

Fingers of Aidos (FoA)

Dulce and Eclipse earned Fingers for "A Better Ending."

Current Finger Count
  • Angel May (1 - "The Map Says We're Fucked")
  • budhaaah (2 - "White Lies Belie a Darker Truth," "Mother Dearest")
  • Eclipse (2 - "White Lies Belie a Darker Truth," "A Better Ending")
  • Dulce (1 - "A Better Ending")
  • Joanny (1 - "Confession")
  • kaykuala (1 -“White Lies Belie a Darker Truth”)
  • Lou Lohman (1 - "Woman or Dragon: The Ride of Your Life")
  • Noiseless Patient Spider (1 - "Silence Lies Broken")

Don't want to see your name listed here? Don't forget to vote.


Monday, August 1, 2011

"Rehearsing With Gods"

For what sane mind these days is swirling with gods and demons and swimming among archetypes? We mostly exist in our little world of images and simulacra, fed to us by the media masters—look, honey, I shrunk the universe, major credit cards accepted. Confused? Welcome into the world of bread and puppets, angels and demons, consciousness and insurrection. Make of it what you will because we're:

Image courtesy of Jayne Harnett-Hargove

OK, so we have no idea what we're on about, but there's puppetry afoot and a message to be sent: Rise up and write!

Remember, don't sign up until you've posted the entry on your site and link that entry directly (not your blog home page). In the meantime, leave a comment and let us know you're game!

Post as soon as you're ready, and we'll post a reminder on the 7th. Voting begins on the 11th.
