There is no restriction to the type of entry here.
Prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, photography, art, audio, video...
if it fits the Muse, it is welcome.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

"Suicide Seat"

Since Amanda was keeping busy below the neck... er... that doesn't read how it should... anyway... Willow  has issued the ultimate challenge with the ultimate prize: your lives. Do you dare to place yourself in the:

"The Sword of Damocles" by Richard Westall
*image taken from Wikipedia

Take a stand. And sit.

Remember, don't sign up until you've posted the entry on your site and link that entry directly (not your blog home page). In the meantime, leave a comment and let us know you're game!

Post as soon as you're ready, and we'll post a reminder on the 22nd. Voting begins on the 26th!



  1. Wah! I think I am game ... Bit of a hassle in that I am off on a 3 week vacation this Saturday, but will have a netbook with me. Let's see how I go. A week and a half ... wooee ...

  2. @ Mary Black Bonnet: You have to direct-link your entry. No front page links allowed here.

  3. Ah, The Sword of Damocles. Perfect image. Hope everyone enjoys my challenge!

  4. Trying not to go down obvious paths is a real challenge with this one!

  5. a powerful muse willow --
    like julie am leaving town once again and hope to find the time to rise to this provocative challenge

  6. Well, by the time I realized I was game, the entire entry had been written. So, yeah, I'm in, with a two-part entry.
